Lyrixound - auto find lyrics for current playing song
Lyrixound description Download for Windows It's easy to get started: launch the app and play music on your favorite player or website. Lyrixound will automatically* find lyrics for the current song. Display lyrics for current track In case of lyrics were not found you can correct the artist/title and search another time. Main program features Main window Functions of buttons on right up corner: open lyrics source, for example in case lyrics is found on Google , it opens web-page enable/disable displaying lyrics window at topmost open settings window Below text fields for artist and title with the button to perform a search. The main area is for lyrics. At the bottom you can expand the panel for detailed customization of how lyrics are displayed. There is the ability to change font size, family, and style, choose text alignment. Besides this, you can change text colors, sizes, and colors of text shadow. Lyrixound settings You can open the settings window by click on the appropriate